New Afton Mine

Last updated on May 2022

COVID-19 is a global threat which requires a united response from governments, industry and our communities to ensure the safety, health and well-being of all. 

New Gold’s New Afton Mine has taken numerous steps to ensure needs are being addressed in the local communities. Our operations have shared action plans and preventative measures being implemented, while seeking and considering input from our employees, contractors, and communities to ensure we are delivering responsive actions consistent with broader efforts.

At our New Afton Mine we have implemented a number of measures including, but not limited to:

  • Initiation of temporary work-from-home guidelines for eligible employees. 

  • Implementation of integrated technology to allow for remote meetings and communication.

  • Site-wide communication through email, print and postings regularly through employee mobile app regarding COVID-19 prevention and information, site updates, employee mobile app regarding COVID-19 prevention and information on social distancing, travel and proper hand hygiene across site. 

  • COVID-19 information resource hub for employees on our intranet.

  • Implementation of additional professional cleaning services to increase cleaning in common employee areas (lunchrooms, meeting rooms and washrooms), as well as encouraged employees to regularly clean personal workspaces. 

  • Installation of hands-free mechanisms on high traffic and priority doors in mine operations, assay lab, security and other areas site-wide.

  • Reduce potential congestion, staggered mine dry access, some hallways and high-traffic areas have been redesigned for one-way traffic and designated entrances and exits have been assigned. 

  • Limited non-essential meetings across site in all departments. 

  • Conducting ongoing review of contractors on-site for projects and shutdown daily and have made some changes for project work to minimize those who have travelled to come to the mine site. 

  • in alignment with self-isolation requirements from the BC Centre for Disease Control and WCB recommendations, any new cases of COVID-19-related illness will require an isolation period from the day of the onset of symptoms. 

  • The New Gold's Employee Assistance Program offered through LifeWorks is available to support our employees and their families related to mental, physical, emotional and financial well-being. 

Please email us here if you have any questions:

We all can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. We encourage everyone to follow Health Canada's recommendation on protective measures against the virus, via this link

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